Monday, July 22, 2013


Here is something parents do: "the clean plate club" - teaches kids to over eat when they are full. Wrap it up put it away for sanitation purposes and re-heat if/when the child says they are hunger. On the child's part it is sometimes away to avoid eating something, only to want candy later, that is a not OK. The other thing we tend to do is reward our kids with "ice cream and candy" creating a conditioned response that candy and ice cream will make us feel better. So when adults get frustrated and down and looking for something to make them feel better, what do you think people seek out? The "sometimes" food rule fits in well for kids too. Ice cream and candy should not be treats they should be something that is eaten sometimes, as a choice.

If there is one food I would ban from every diet, it would be soda, even the diet type. You would not sit in a garage with your car running; carbon dioxide is what gives soda it's bubble and fizz. I have an entire article on what soda does and it's ill effects. BTW manufactures ADD caffeine to soda to make it addictive, so if you drink a lot, you will have to cut down over time to avoid headaches. I would cut consumption in 1/2 each week. It will save you money too.

I added this post to be helpful. I have a certification to teach it. I often get people who want to argue with me (one sided by the way) because they have learned some crazy thing on a infomercial of from a friend or some unreliable source. I have a degree and multiple sources, like I said it is just meant to b
e helpful. Eating right and being in shape may not be easy, like I said if it were as easy as taking a pill, it would make world news and the obesity rate would be way down.

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