Monday, July 22, 2013

Trying Something Different. Free Diet Technique

Metabolism slows as we age, so you may need to adjust things to match.

 Have any of you had surgery for weight loss?
I can lose weight but then I put it back on.
I am interested if any of you have any idea's about weight loss surgery.
If yes, what are your positive experiences and negative experiences?
What kind of emotional experiences did you have?
Were you still hungry after the surgery?
What kind of surgery did you have?
Would you recommend it to your best friend?

After the flu bug last WE where I lost 3 lbs total, mostly water. Gained only one pound back. Did not go to the gym but made some life changes. Now walking more and limiting food intake throughout the day. Very hot here right now.
Still craving sugar at night prior to bed and in middle of the night but not as much.
Praying before meals to be a more conciouse consumer.

 So, I tried the food lovers diet where you eat small portions for breakfast lunch and dinner and have small snack in between. That was working OK but I was hungry all of the time and couldn't wait for the next (eh-hem) big meal.

About 4 weeks ago I started a diet that I can live with. It's a two day per week fasting diet and already I have lost 16 pounds on it.

Basically, for the two days that you fast you only eat one meal (no snacks) each day and it can not total 600 calories. This includes drinks. I only drink water on these two days to help keep my calorie count down. Eat what you want for dinner but watch the calorie count. Then the rest of the 5 days eat whatever you want. As many calories as you want.

For example I fast on Wednesdays & Thursdays each week. On Wednesday I had a 6" Subway sandwich which was 350 calories and I had a small bag of baked Lays which was 170 calories along with a glass of water. So that totaled 500 calories (under 600 allowed). Tonight I had 2 servings of Pasta (200 per serving equaled 400 calories) and I had 2 servings of corn (70 calories per serving equals 140 total) giving me 540 calories for tonight. AND I was pretty full. You'd think that after not eating all day you would be pretty hungry but I'm finding this isn't the case.

Tomorrow I will be back to my normal eating habits for the next 5 days.

I lose about 4 - 5 pounds per week. BTW, I am 182 pounds. Not too terribly overweight but still a little overweight. I usually weigh in on Wednesday and then I will probably check and see how much I lost tomorrow morning. Then I won't check it again until next Wednesday.

To me, this is so much easier than trying to cut back every day of the week and being self conscious about what you eat all of the time.

It's pretty easy to do. I chose Wednesday and Thursday because it's the middle of the week and it doesn't interfere with weekend cookouts and get togethers either. :)

So if you're trying to lose weight you might want to give this a try for a few weeks. I hope to lose another 25 - 30 pounds before I hit the dreaded plateau.

 and fasting means NO intake, not just a little. I fasted many years ago and lost about 100 lbs very quickly, but I truly fasted and for a long time. Not recommended by DRs, but I felt great so I went with it. If what you're doing works for you then go for it!

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