Wednesday, September 19, 2012

One Year Anniversary!

by Nina

It’s our one-year anniversary today! Celebrate with us by listening to one of my favorite songs by Flogging Molly (I love the video, too). I’ve always thought the chorus for this song, “Ah but don't, don't sink the boat/That you built, you built to keep afloat,” works perfectly as a theme for this blog. That, and the ending to the song:

A ripe old age,
A ripe old age,
A ripe old age,
Just doing the best I can!

We’ve come a long way in our first year. There have been 248 posts, covering a wide range of topics from asana practice to aging theories to medical conditions to philosophy. We started taking our own photos and even made our first video (see here). And we’ve gained two new regular contributors, Timothy McCall, MD and Shari Ser, Physical Therapist.

We have a lot of exciting plans for the coming year, including an in-depth series on upper body strength and more on healthy eating. But really our favorite thing to do is to address the issues that concern you, our readers. So please keep your questions and requests coming! You can ask a question or request a topic for any of us to write about either by commenting on any post (including this one) or by emailing me by clicking the contact us tab at the top of the page.

“Tomorrow smells of less decay
The flowers quick just bloom and fray
Be thankful, that's all you can” —Flogging Molly

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