Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Q&A: Propping for Relaxation Pose (Savasana)

Q: I have been wondering something about Savasana: Aside from the fact that Savasana has not been all that great for me due to low back/SI joint issues which are lately resolving, I find that my knees feel like they hyperextend in the relaxed state with gravity's pull. Would that alone be reason to always place a support under my knees, or not necessarily? Additional information: I developed the habit of sleeping with pillows under my knees probably 15 years ago at the recommendation of a physical therapist I was seeing at the time for neck problems. Lately my back & SI problems are greatly improved so now I am noticing the feeling of knee hyperextension more as I try to back off of over-reliance on knee support during Savasana. Engaging the quads to ease that seems counterproductive to Savasana. I feel fine with props. I just don't want to overuse them if that would set me up for some imbalance elsewhere.

Thank you so much for your time and dedication to the mission of educating us!

A: I have studied with the foremost expert (in my mind and others) on restorative yoga, Judith Lasater, and her teaching as I interpret is that a restorative pose should feel WONDERFUL when you are in it. The aim of Savasana is deep relaxation, and sometimes we have to work a little to get the pose perfect. So if you need to prop your knees or arms, support your head or low back, or whatever, then that is what you need to do for YOUR Savasana to be inviting and nourishing. There is no one way to do any yoga pose, and that is the gift of yoga which is to find out what works for you.

Please allow yourself to explore and experiment in how you position yourself for the utmost ease and enjoyment. Yoga is not “one size fits all.”

Happy journey.


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