Wednesday, January 4, 2012

When Less is More

by Nina

In Baxter’s post about meditation on Tuesday (see here), he recommended that students who want to start a meditation practice should start out small, with short sessions only a few times a week. This reminded me of a quote from The Wisdom of Yoga by Stephen Cope that not only made me laugh, but also made me really think about how to approach making changes in your life.

As Swami Kripalu often pointed out, Eight-Limbed Yoga begins not necessarily with the admonition to tell the truth, to be generous, chaste and so forth, but rather to be a little less greedy, a little less untruthful, a little less unchaste.

With regard to non-lying, Swami Kripalu said: “Our condition is such that we need not worry about practicing truth in speech, but merely need to delete a little untruth from the mass of untruth we usually speak. Therefore, to practice truth, we should decrease our practice of untruth.

Mushroom Closeup by Brad Gibson
Hey, is that a tiny blade of green grass in this photo?

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