Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Update: Loren Fishman's Current Osteoporosis Sequence

by Nina

It has been brought to our attention that the osteoporosis sequence designed by Dr. Loren Fishman for the osteoporosis study that we discussed on Friday (see here) is not the sequence he currently recommends. The sequence he currently recommends is described in great detail (with many photographs) on his website under "A Dozen Poses vs. Osteoporosis". This sequence is not only much more accessible (and by that I do mean easier) than the original sequence, but it now excludes forward bends entirely (probably because forward bends are contraindicated for people with osteoporosis rather than due to concern about back strain).

I sincerely apologize for not being up to date on Dr. Fishman's work! However, I do think the exercise Baxter and I went through in evaluating his original sequence was useful because we were able to identify some issues regarding poses that should not be practiced on an everyday basis, which are useful for everyone to consider.

But you may be wondering, is the current sequence safe to practice on an everyday basis? That will have to wait until after Baxter returns to town. (I know you're all dying of suspense, right?) In the meantime, feel free to chime in with your own thoughts.

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