Thursday, April 18, 2013

Writing to Us

by Nina

The Love Letter by Johannes Vermee
All of us here at Yoga for Healthy Aging (Baxter, Brad, Nina, Shari, Ram, Timothy and Bridget) love hearing from you! Getting feedback from you about our posts helps keep us inspired and provides us with interesting topics to address that we might not have come up with on our own. And, of course, we love fan mail!

One way you can contact us is by leaving a comment on any post (even an old one). See the "How to Comment" tab at the top of the page if you are confused about how to leave a comment. You can be sure your comment will be seen! I, Nina, read all the comments as they come in, save all the questions in a file so we can address them in the future, and forward comments of interest to the authors of the respective post to ensure they read them. However, comments are seen by the general public and you may wish to send us a private message.

To send us a private message, use the "Contact Us" tab at the top of the page. The email address you will be using is mine, so I, Nina, receive all the messages. Again, I read through all of the messages and if there is a question, I store it in a file so we can address it in the future and forward any messages of interest to the author of the respective post. And, of course, all the authors read the messages that I forward to them.

Although the messages you email to me are private, I assume any yoga questions you have can be used for the Friday Q&A (although I always remove the name of the person who asked the question) or as the basis for a new blog post. However, if you state in your message that you want the contents to remain completely private, I will respect that. So you can feel comfortable sending something personal.

The one thing I cannot promise is that any of us will conduct a private correspondence with you. I say this because once in a while we receive messages with personal questions or concerns that request a personal reply. To be honest, it’s really an issue of time. All of us have other kinds of work we’re doing (such as full-time jobs or busy teaching schedules!) so taking the time to write a single person about his or her personal yoga concerns is time away from working on the blog itself. This just doesn’t make sense because all the writers for this blog are unpaid—it’s a labor of love for all of us—so we need to focus our free time on providing high-quality content for the general public. Also, as I put it to Baxter when he received a detailed request for advice regarding a reader’s physical problems, the writer would essentially be getting free private coaching, which is obviously not something we can offer to hundreds or thousands (our following is growing!) of people. I sincerely hope you understand and keep this in mind when you write to us. Again, I do promise to read all your messages, and if you write to a particular person, I’ll make sure that he or she reads your message as well.


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