Saturday, January 12, 2013

Workshops of Interest: Timothy McCall's "The Science and Practice of Therapeutic Yoga"

by Timothy

I'm excited to be doing my most in-depth course of the year, The Science and Practice of Therapeutic Yoga, in Walnut Creek, CA at the Yoga and Movement Center. Traditionally, I've taught that course over 8 days but now for the first time, it will be held over four consecutive weekends starting Saturday, Feb. 16th. This course has more on the scientific background of yoga and research updates, and more case work than my regular Yoga as Medicine workshops. You don't have to take all four weekends if that's not possible, but it's important to attend the first weekend, as that sets the stage for the whole training.

I’ll also be teaching the five-day, 30-hour Yoga as Medicine workshop at Namaste Yoga in my adopted hometown of Oakland, CA June 3-7th. In addition, look for YAM workshops in Denver, outside of Minneapolis, and in Grass Valley, California, in the coming months.

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