Thursday, June 28, 2012

Yoga Journal Conference and a Giveaway!

Good news, everyone! Baxter’s going to be teaching at the San Francisco Yoga Journal Conference, January 17 - 21, 2013. We hope to see some of you there. For the first time, Baxter will be presenting an all-day workshop on Yoga for Healthy Aging. And he’ll also be teaching a two-hour class on Yoga for Arthritis. Obviously, he was inspired by his writing for this blog, and by the feedback he gets from you, our readers.

Speaking of which, he’s been asked to do one more class at the conference and hasn’t yet picked the topic. What would you like him to teach? Yes, we want to hear your ideas!

This could be yours....
To encourage you to make some good suggestions, we decided to hold our first-ever giveaway. The prize will be a yoga book by Nina and Rodney Yee, either Yoga: The Poetry of the Body or Moving Toward Balance, your choice.

To enter the contest, leave a comment on this post suggesting a topic for Baxter to teach at the conference and tell us which of the two books you’d like most to win. It’s okay to vote for topic that someone else has already suggested because multiple votes for the same idea will tell us which suggestion is the most popular. We’ll have two winners: the one with the idea we like the best, and a commenter selected at random.

You have a week to enter the contest, and we’ll announce the winners at the end of next week. Now go forth and get creative!
or maybe you want this!

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