Thursday, May 17, 2012

Featured Pose: Wrist Circles

by Baxter and Nina

Another very simple pose in our office yoga series, wrist circles move your wrists through their full range of motion Most of us use our hands in similar and limited movements over and over during the day. Moving your wrists through their full range of motion helps relieve fatigue in your hands and keeps your joints healthy, flexible and mobile. And we can all use some of that. Plus, you'll get to hum The Supremes (see “Instructions” below).

This pose works more than your wrists. As you rotate your wrists, you use the muscles of your forearms all the way up to your elbows. So these movements not only reduce tension in your forearms, but are also beneficial for your elbow joint. Baxter actually prescribes wrist circles for those of you with elbow issues, like tennis or golfer’s elbow.

This pose is super convenient—you don’t even have to leave your desk to do it. And you can do it several times a day if it feels good, even once every hour. For other wrist exercise, see Wrist Flossing for Wrist Care.

Baxter prescribes this pose for:
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • elbow issues like tennis or golfer's elbow
  • arthritis of fingers, hands, wrists or arms
  • fatigue in your hands or arms due to keyboard work, driving or any repetitive movements
Instructions:  Start by sitting with your knees parallel to each other, and your feet firmly on the floor, hips-distance apart. Stretch your arms out in front of you or rest your elbows on your knees. Next, draw your hands back with your palms facing forward in to a “Stop in the Name of Love!” position. From there, choose a direction and circle your wrists around into three to ten circles, drawing your fingers wide and back, which brings more stretch across the palm of your hand.

Repeat on the other side by circling in the opposite directions, for the same number of rounds.

Cautions: Generally this pose very safe. However, if you experience any pain in your hands or wrists, modify the circle to avoid the painful areas.

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