Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Airport Yoga: Baxter's Interview on Washington Post Blog

Baxter was interviewed yesterday by the Washington Post health blogger about the new San Francisco Airport Yoga Room and the benefits of doing yoga at the airport, and you can see the post here.

In his interview, Baxter admits that it is unlikely that anyone would stop at an airport yoga room after they arrive at their destination, however, during the time before you take off or when you layover in an airport between flights, practicing yoga can be beneficial.

"The general tenor of travel these days is so stressful, it’s almost designed to get the blood pressure up and stimulate the fight-or-flight response. Stretching [as in doing yoga] can switch from the sympathetic, fight-or-flight nervous system to the parasympathetic, or rest and digest, system. That could go a long way toward reducing stress."

He even suggests a few inverted poses that you might do in the yoga room. Of course only the San Francisco Airport has a yoga room, so what's the ordinary traveling yogi to do? Well, you know all those chairs you have to sit around on while waiting for your plane to board? You can use them as props for an "office" yoga practice (see "After the Retreat: Office Yoga" right here on our blog).

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